Aurawra 2023 Poster + Pin


I had the honour of painting the key art (and convention booklet cover if plans don’t change) for Aurawra 2023!

Any excuse to paint dragons!

In 2022, I was a Guest of the Aurawra furry convention. Part of my duties as Guest of Honour was to create the key art for next year’s event! The theme is to be “The Lost Empire” with an Indiana Jones twist. I loved working on this and getting to paint cute critters, dramatic lighting AND have a go at that Indiana Jones style title font. I know I didn’t nail the font but at least it gets most of the way there. 😉

I was also tasked with designing the enamel pin that was given to Sponsors and Staff that year. I both designed the pin and organised the manufacturing and delivery to the convention, since I have a great deal of experience with all that. The pin turned out very well, if I do say so myself!

I’ll get a better photo of it eventually

The pin is a rainbow-anodised soft enamel pin with iridescent glitter and screenprinting effects. It looks great in person! I’m told the pins were popular and I’m fortunate they saved one for me because they were all spoken for very quickly. Success!

The convention itself was really wonderful, especially for an event of that scale just starting out. Unfortunately I got sick over the weekend (not covid and no one’s fault…these things happen) so the panel I delivered on pin design was a little hard to hear through my sore throat. Everyone was so kind though! I look forward to returning to Aurawra in future years even as a non-guest!

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